The oustanding features of Comi

Authors participating in COMI have the freedom to publish their comics on ANY PLATFORM (such as Facebook, Twitter, Webtoon, etc.) on a large scale. does not control the publishing features.

Comi authors own 100% copyright of their works and have the freedom to produce related merchandise without the approval of any party.

Readers have access to the entire content without worrying about paywalls or premium chapters. Everything is free. Moreover, loyal readers even have the opportunity to earn a percentage of profits from the comic's revenue.

Authors on will earn revenue by: Handing over the decision-making rights of the work to the Super Reader.

Who is Super Reader?

Passionate fans with strong financial capabilities.

They are willing to spend a large amount of money to support the author and the comic with the aim of harvesting joy and pride.

In the field of music, idols, and streamers, people like Super Readers are extremely popular. They are the lifeblood of streamers, willing to donate huge gifts to gain the attention of idols.

Super Readers are also willing to crowdfund amounts up to thousands of dollars to achieve exclusive gifts.

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